تبدیل VB.NET به C#.NET
نسخه های VB.NET که پشتیبانی میشن:
2003, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013
هر نوع پروژه ای هم قابل تبدیل هستش:
Win Forms, Web, Class Library, Compact Framework, Silverlight و ..
آخرین ویژگی هایی هم که به زبان VB اضافه شده هم پشتیبانی شده مثل:
Multiline Lambdas
Implicit Line Continuation
Auto-Implemented Properties
Collection Initializers
Array Literals
Nullable Optional Parameters
Generic Variance
WPF applications
In line XML w/"code holes"
The new "If" operator
Object initializers
Extension methods
Lambda expressions
Nullable data types
Implicit types
Anonymous types
خصیصه های اصلی:
Support for the latest Visual Studio features - The latest VB.Net / C# features are supported, including Await/Async, Implicit Line Continuation, Multiline Lambdas, Nullable Optional Parameters, LINQ, XML, WPF, Lambda expressions, and extension methods.
Support for All Project Types - Win Forms, Web, Class Library, Compact Framework, Console, etc.
High Accuracy - This release was stress tested on thousands of sample programs. Tested were hundreds of Microsoft sample projects (Visual Studio SDK samples, DirectX SDK projects, Windows 7 SDK samples, etc.), in house and customer projects, third party control samples (Infragistics, ComponentOne, Telerik, etc.), and open source projects from SourceForge and CodePlex.
Ease of Use - While the conversion logic itself is complex, using the converter isn't. You are guided through each step of the process with easy, clear instructions.
Customization - Not every project is the same. With dozens of conversion options to choose from, you are in control of the conversion process.
Convert Single Projects or Groups of Projects - You can create lists of programs and convert them with one click. There's also a command line version included.
Comprehensive Reporting - There are reports showing potential trouble spots in your code, interesting things which happened during the conversion process, and any C# compiler errors which need to be fixed.
خود سایتش ادعا کرده که پروژه 5 میلیون خطی هم باهاش convert کرده و روی حدود 8هزار پروژه هم تست شده.به نظر که عالیه واسه کسایی که قرار یه پروژه مشابه با زبان سی شارپ بنویسن و میتونه کمک زیادی کنه.
میتونید از سایتش این نرم افزار رو دانلود کنید:
که البته رایگان نیست
help ها و مثال هایی هم توی سایت هستش که اگه قصد استفاده ازش رو دارید میتونه بهتون کمک کنه.
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